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History of Santa Susanna

The origins of Santa Susanna date back to the times when the lands of the valley between the hill of Gràcia and the hill of la Guàrdia and those of the com Balasch plain began to be populated by peasants. This happened in the 12th century when we have records of the establishment of the Puiglauters (Podius Lotarius) near the Can Jordà hill, and from the 13th century we have far more details: casa de Pineda, Can Jordà, Can Mestres, Mas Poch or Can Ratés, Coll de Pafils, Ferrarí, Can Gelat, Mas Goyta or Guaita...

It would therefore seem that the first area occupied was the top of the dry river, more protected and less exposed to the dangers of the sea, and the open parts were progressively occupied to the beach plain...

Source: Foundation Touristic Santa Susanna